阿联酋对加利福尼亚的野火向美国表示哀悼,这些野火摧毁了1万多座建筑物。 UAE extends condolences to US over California wildfires, which destroyed over 10,000 buildings.
阿拉伯联合酋长国就加利福尼亚发生的毁灭性野火向美国表示哀悼和支持。 The United Arab Emirates has extended its condolences and support to the United States over the devastating California wildfires. 外交部向美国政府、人民和受害者家属表示同情,希望受伤者迅速康复。 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed sympathy to the U.S. government, people, and families of victims, wishing a swift recovery for the injured. 野火导致数万居民死亡、受伤和疏散,摧毁了10 000多座建筑物。 The wildfires have led to fatalities, injuries, and the evacuation of tens of thousands of residents, destroying over 10,000 buildings.