阿联酋就致命的飞机坠毁事件向南韩表示哀悼, UAE extends condolences to South Korea over deadly plane crash, joining global response.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)在最近造成179人死亡的飞机坠毁事件后向南朝鲜表示哀悼。 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has offered its condolences to South Korea following a recent plane crash that resulted in 179 deaths. 阿联酋外交部发表声明,向韩国和受害者家属表示声援和同情。 The UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing solidarity and sympathy to South Korea and the families of the victims. 这一支持是几个国家在这一困难时刻表示哀悼的全球回应的一部分。 This support is part of a global response from several countries extending their condolences during this difficult time.