阿塞拜疆就加利福尼亚的致命野火向美国表示哀悼。 Azerbaijan extends condolences to the U.S. over California's deadly wildfires.
阿塞拜疆外交部就加利福尼亚的致命野火向美国表示哀悼。 Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry has extended condolences to the United States over the deadly wildfires in California. 他们向受害者、受害者家属和受影响社区表示深切同情,希望受伤者迅速康复,支持美国政府处理这场悲剧。 They expressed deep sympathy for the victims, their families, and the affected communities, wishing a speedy recovery for the injured and support for the US government in dealing with the tragedy.