阿联酋向在哈萨克斯坦的飞机坠毁造成多人死亡的阿塞拜疆表示哀悼。 UAE extends condolences to Azerbaijan after a plane crash in Kazakhstan caused multiple deaths.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)在最近哈萨克斯坦的飞机坠毁造成多人死伤之后,向阿塞拜疆表示支持和慰问。 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has offered its support and condolences to Azerbaijan following a recent plane crash in Kazakhstan that caused multiple deaths and injuries. 阿联酋外交部发表声明,向阿塞拜疆政府、人民和受害者家属表示同情,并希望受伤者尽快康复。 The UAE's Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement expressing sympathy to the Azerbaijani government, people, and families of the victims, and wishing a quick recovery to the injured.