拜登总统尊重卡特的遗产,强调他的服务并与当今政治形成鲜明对比。 Biden honors Carter's legacy, highlighting his service and contrast to today's politics.
前总统吉米·卡特 (Jimmy Carter) 的葬礼突出了他的品格和遗产,乔·拜登总统赞扬了卡特对服务的奉献精神和有尊严地对待他人。 Former President Jimmy Carter's funeral highlighted his character and legacy, with President Joe Biden praising Carter's dedication to service and treating others with dignity. 该事件将卡特的政治态度与当前两极分化的气候形成鲜明对比,拜登的言论巧妙地批评了前总统唐纳德·特朗普的政府。 The event drew a contrast between Carter's approach to politics and the current polarized climate, with Biden's remarks subtly critiquing former President Donald Trump's administration. 尽管卡特的总统任期最初受到负面评价,但最近的重新评估认可了他取得的重大外交政策成就和总统任期后的人道主义工作。 Despite Carter's presidency being initially viewed negatively, recent reassessments recognize his significant foreign policy achievements and post-presidency humanitarian work.