包括特朗普和奥巴马在内的五位在世的美国总统齐聚一堂,参加了吉米·卡特的葬礼。 Five living U.S. presidents, including Trump and Obama, came together at Jimmy Carter's funeral.
在前总统吉米·卡特的葬礼上,所有五位在世的美国总统齐聚一堂,包括前竞争对手唐纳德·特朗普和巴拉克·奥巴马之间罕见的友好交流。 At former President Jimmy Carter's funeral, all five living U.S. presidents came together, including a rare friendly exchange between former rivals Donald Trump and Barack Obama. 视频捕捉到的这一刻显示,两人大笑和聊天,让旁观者感到惊讶,并在社交媒体上引发了讨论。 The moment, captured on video, showed the two laughing and chatting, surprising onlookers and sparking discussions on social media. 虽然该活动突出了政治团结的短暂时刻,但它也出现了明显的缺席和其他与会者之间的尴尬互动。 While the event highlighted a brief moment of political unity, it also featured notable absences and awkward interactions among other attendees.