拜登总统向吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)致敬,赞扬他的人道主义努力,并宣布举行国葬。 President Biden honored Jimmy Carter, praising his humanitarian efforts and announcing a state funeral.
乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统向前总统吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)致敬,赞扬他的正派和人道主义努力。 President Joe Biden honored former President Jimmy Carter, praising his decency and humanitarian efforts. 拜登在卡特去世 100 岁后发表讲话时,回顾了卡特作为总统的影响以及他的善良遗产。 Speaking after Carter's death at 100, Biden recalled Carter's impact as president and his legacy of kindness. 拜登将卡特的价值观与当前的政治气候进行了对比,巧妙地批评了特朗普总统。 Biden contrasted Carter's values with the current political climate, subtly criticizing President Trump. 他强调了卡特在全球健康和民权方面的工作,并指出他们之间的亲密友谊和相互支持。 He highlighted Carter's work in global health and civil rights, noting their close friendship and mutual support. 拜登还宣布在华盛顿特区为卡特举行正式国葬。 Biden also announced an official state funeral for Carter in Washington, D.C.