由于保险、工资和包装成本的上涨,联合王国食品价格预计上涨4.2%。 UK food prices forecast to rise 4.2%, driven by higher costs in insurance, wages, and packaging.
由于较高的国家保险、国家生活工资和新的包装费增加了成本,预计未来几个月联合王国的食品价格将上涨4.2%。 UK food prices are expected to rise by 4.2% in the coming months due to increased costs from higher national insurance, the National Living Wage, and new packaging fees. 英国零售集团警告说,这些价格上涨将影响食品和非食品物品,扭转目前的通缩趋势。 The British Retail Consortium warns these price hikes will affect both food and non-food items, reversing current deflation trends. 该集团呼吁政府进行干预,帮助减轻消费者面临的这些压力。 The group calls for government intervention to help mitigate these pressures on consumers.