Marks & Spencer 和 Sainsbury的面孔2亿英镑的增税, 很可能在4月前抬高粮价。 Marks & Spencer and Sainsbury's face £200 million tax hike, likely raising food prices by April.
由于雷切尔·里夫斯总理最近宣布的雇主国家保险缴款的变化,Marks & Spencer和Sainsbury的税单可能共同面临2亿英镑的增加。 Marks & Spencer and Sainsbury's are likely to face a combined £200 million increase in their tax bills due to recent changes in employers' national insurance contributions announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves. 预计到明年4月,这一额外的财政负担将不可避免地导致粮食价格上涨,对消费者、特别是低收入家庭产生影响。 This additional financial burden is expected to lead to inevitable food price hikes by next April, impacting consumers, particularly low-income households. 两个零售商都面临压力,要求它们披露价格战略,以应对这些变化。 Both retailers are under pressure to disclose their price strategies in response to these changes.