2025年,由于乌克兰战争和预算变化引起的成本,英国食品价格可能上涨4%。 UK food prices may rise by 4% in 2025 due to costs from the Ukraine war and budget changes.
据分析家称,到2025年底,联合王国的食品通胀可能上升到4%。 UK food inflation could rise to 4% by the end of 2025, according to analysts. 这一增加是由于2022年俄罗斯入侵乌克兰造成的费用压力以及最近预算变化,包括国家保险缴款增加和最低工资提高。 This increase is due to cost pressures from the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and recent budget changes, including higher national insurance contributions and a rise in the minimum wage. 预计这些因素将大大增加超市的成本,一些人估计Tesco等公司将另外增加2.5亿英镑。 These factors are expected to raise supermarket costs significantly, with some estimating an additional £250 million for companies like Tesco.