Skater在遭遇薄冰后从莫诺纳湖中获救;警告说,情况不安全。 Skater rescued from Lake Monona after falling through thin ice; warned of unsafe conditions.
一名滑冰者于周三早上在莫诺纳台附近的莫诺纳湖(Monona Terrace)坠入薄冰后获救。 An ice skater was rescued after falling through thin ice on Lake Monona near Monona Terrace on Wednesday morning. 尽管救援人员也冲破了冰面,但滑冰者还是被安全救回,带到医院,伤势没有威胁生命。 Despite rescuers also breaking through the ice, the skater was safely retrieved and taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 当局对不稳定的冰况提出警告,并劝告不要在有裂痕或动荡迹象的地区滑冰,强调任何冰都不应被视为安全。 Authorities warn of unstable ice conditions and advise against skating on areas showing signs of cracking or upheaval, stressing that no ice should be considered safe.