3个人在奎尔湖的薄冰下坠落 引起消防部门警告冰层安全 Three people fell through thin ice at Quail Lake, prompting a fire department warning on ice safety.
星期六下午2: 30左右, 一名成人和两名儿童在科罗拉多斯普林斯的奎尔湖(Quail Lake)坠入薄冰。 An adult and two children fell through thin ice at Quail Lake in Colorado Springs on Saturday around 2:30 p.m. 科罗拉多斯普林斯消防局回应,发现这些个人从水中出来,正在对受伤情况进行评估。 The Colorado Springs Fire Department responded and found the individuals out of the water, undergoing injury evaluations. 作为回应,消防局警告居民,由于温度变化造成不可预测的厚度,在湖冰上行走是危险的。 In response, the fire department warned residents about the dangers of walking on lake ice due to unpredictable thickness caused by temperature changes.