3个人和1条狗在穿越薄冰后从康科德河中被救出。 Three people and a dog were rescued from the Concord River after falling through thin ice.
马萨诸塞州贝德福德Concord河的3个人和1条狗在星期六从冰面中坠落后被救出。 Three people and a dog were rescued from the Concord River in Bedford, Massachusetts, after falling through the ice on Saturday. 一名妇女走着她的狗掉进来,随后有另外两人试图营救他们。 A woman walking her dog fell in, followed by two others who attempted to rescue them. 警察利用救援光盘拯救了所有三人和狗。 Police officers used rescue discs to save all three people and the dog. 一名妇女因接触寒冷而住院治疗,而其他妇女则得到治疗并获释。 One woman was hospitalized for cold exposure, while the others were treated and released. 当局警告说冰是不安全的。 Authorities warn that the ice is not safe.