母亲和两名儿童在曼彻斯特池塘的薄冰中坠落后获救。 Mother and two children rescued after falling through thin ice in Manchester pond.
一名母亲和她的两个孩子星期二在曼彻斯特池塘中从薄冰中坠落后获救。 A mother and her two children were rescued after falling through thin ice in a Manchester pond on Tuesday. 所有三人都作为预防措施被送到医院。 All three were taken to the hospital as a precaution. 协助营救的两名警察和一名消防员也得到治疗并被释放。 Two police officers and a firefighter who helped with the rescue were also treated and released. 事件发生在下午2时左右,在Hackmatack街,突显了在冰冻水体上行走的危险。 The incident happened around 2 p.m. on Hackmatack Street, highlighting the dangers of walking on frozen bodies of water.