孟加拉的抗议者摧毁临时审判室, 拖延审判, 造成交通混乱。 Protesters in Bangladesh destroy makeshift courtroom, delaying trial and causing traffic chaos.
孟加拉国为审判2009年以政府Madrasah-E-Alia为名的BDR叛变案而设立的临时审判室在一场火灾中被摧毁。 A makeshift courtroom in Bangladesh, set up for the trial of the 2009 BDR mutiny case on the grounds of Government Madrasah-E-Alia, was destroyed in a fire. 学生抗议将学校场地用作审判室、封锁道路和造成交通堵塞。 Students protested against using the school grounds for the courtroom, blocking roads and causing traffic congestion. 这场火灾和抗议活动推迟了审判的下一次审讯日期,目前正在进行谈判,以满足学生对返回现场的要求。 The fire and protests have deferred the trial's next hearing date, and negotiations are ongoing to address the students' demands for the field's return.