孟加拉国因公务员聘用规定而爆发全国性冲突,抗议者纵火焚烧政府大楼。 Protesters in Bangladesh set fire to government buildings during deadly nationwide clashes over a civil service hiring rule.
孟加拉国的抗议者在全国范围内发生致命冲突,纵火焚烧政府大楼,导致全国范围内的互联网中断。 Protesters in Bangladesh set fire to government buildings during deadly nationwide clashes, resulting in a nationwide internet shutdown. 本周,学生们因抗议公务员录用规则而引发的冲突已造成至少 39 人死亡,该规则规定将一半以上的公务员职位保留给特定群体。 At least 39 people have died this week in clashes, with students protesting against a civil service hiring rule that reserves over half of civil service positions for specific groups. 为了应对不断升级的暴力事件,孟加拉国首都禁止所有公众集会。 In response to the escalating violence, Bangladesh's capital banned all public rallies.