孟加拉国的抗议者要求正义并恢复参与2009年BDR兵变的成员的职务。 Protesters in Bangladesh demand justice and reinstatement for members involved in the 2009 BDR mutiny.
前孟加拉国步枪组织(BDR)成员及其家属正在孟加拉国各地抗议,要求释放并恢复被开除的BDR成员,对2009年BDR兵变进行独立再调查,造成74人死亡,并为受影响的人伸张正义。 Former Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) members and their families are protesting across Bangladesh to demand the release and reinstatement of dismissed BDR members, an independent reinvestigation of the 2009 BDR mutiny that killed 74 people, and justice for those affected. 政府计划在火灾破坏前一审判室后,在新地点恢复与叛乱有关的审判。 The government plans to resume trials related to the mutiny at a new location after a fire damaged the previous courtroom. 受害者和幸存者家属也呼吁废除具体调查规则,并为自事件发生以来被监禁的人伸张正义。 Families of victims and survivors are also calling for the repeal of specific investigation rules and justice for those jailed since the incident.