在阿富汗的Panjshir省,两人因纵火焚烧Bibi Amina女子学校而被捕。 In Afghanistan's Panjshir province, two individuals were arrested for setting fire to Bibi Amina Girls School.
在阿富汗的Panjshir省,警察逮捕了两名纵火焚烧Bibi Amina女子学校的人。 In Afghanistan's Panjshir province, police arrested two individuals for setting fire to Bibi Amina Girls School. 嫌疑人供认了罪行,消防员在一小时之内扑灭了火焰,限制了建筑物的损坏。 The suspects confessed to the crime, and firefighters extinguished the blaze within an hour, limiting damage to the building. 由于这一事件,从7年级到大学的女童目前无法在阿富汗上学。 As a result of the incident, girls from grade seven to university are currently unable to attend school in Afghanistan.