维多利亚州Otway角附近的居民被建议躲在原地,因为灌木丛火使疏散变得太危险。 Residents near Cape Otway, Victoria, are advised to shelter in place as a bushfire makes evacuation too dangerous.
维多利亚州Otway角和Hordern Vale南部的丛林火灾迫使当局警告当地人和节假日制定者疏散为时已晚, A bushfire near Cape Otway and southern Hordern Vale, Victoria, has forced authorities to warn locals and holidaymakers it's too late to evacuate, advising them to shelter indoors. 从Blanket Bay路向西移动的火灾引发了VicEmergency警告。 The fire, moving west from Blanket Bay Road, has prompted a VicEmergency warning. 在阿波罗湾设有一个疏散中心。 An evacuation center is set up in Apollo Bay. 随后在格兰皮安国家公园发生另一起火灾,烧毁了76 000公顷土地,摧毁了房屋,杀害了野生动物,当地旅游业和农业社区遭受了190多万美元的经济损失。 This follows another fire in Grampians National Park that burned 76,000 hectares, destroying homes and killing wildlife, with local tourism and farming communities facing an economic loss of over $1.9 million.