维多利亚州小沙漠国家公园附近的居民因野火蔓延而面临“现在离开”警告。 Residents near Little Desert National Park in Victoria face "leave now" warnings due to spreading bushfires.
澳大利亚维多利亚州国家消防局(Victoria)向小沙漠国家公园附近的城镇居民发出「请假」警告, The Country Fire Authority in Victoria, Australia, has issued a "leave now" warning for residents in towns near the Little Desert National Park due to multiple uncontrolled bushfires. 这些大火烧毁了7 500多公顷土地,正在向南向私人土地移动。 The fires have burned over 7,500 hectares and are moving southward towards private lands. 1月27日实行全面禁止火灾和极端火灾危险评级。 A total fire ban and extreme fire danger rating are in effect for January 27. 紧急救助中心建议立即撤离,因为情况可能迅速恶化,紧急救助服务可能无法帮助那些留下来的人。 The CFA advises immediate evacuation as conditions may rapidly worsen, and emergency services might not be able to assist those who stay.