珀斯东南部的阿马代尔发布丛林火灾紧急警报,建议贝德福德和阿什登的居民向北疏散。 Bushfire emergency warning issued in Perth's southeast for Armadale, advising residents in Bedfordale and Ashendon to evacuate northward.
珀斯东南部的阿马代尔部分地区已发布丛林火灾紧急警报,贝德福德南部和阿什顿东部的居民警告生命和家园受到威胁。 A bushfire emergency warning has been issued in Perth's southeast for parts of Armadale, with residents in the southern part of Bedfordale and eastern part of Ashendon warned of a threat to lives and homes. 火势不受控制且不可预测,正在向西北方向移动。 The fire, uncontrolled and unpredictable, is moving northwest. 建议居民在安全的情况下通过奥尔巴尼高速公路沿北部路线撤离。 Residents are advised to evacuate if safe, taking a northern route via Albany Highway. 位于比福德的 Serpentine Jarrahdale 社区娱乐中心设立了一个疏散中心。 An evacuation center has been set up at the Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Recreation Centre in Byford.