在亚特兰大附近的洪都拉斯领事馆开枪打死一名警卫,打伤另一名警卫;嫌犯被俘。 Shooting at Honduran consulate near Atlanta kills one security guard, injures another; suspect captured.
星期一下午,在亚特兰大附近的洪都拉斯领事馆发生枪击事件,造成一名警卫(一名墨西哥国民)被杀,另一人受伤。 A shooting occurred at the Honduran consulate near Atlanta on Monday afternoon, resulting in one security guard, a Mexican national, being killed and another person injured. 据信是洪都拉斯人的嫌疑人在事件发生后被收押。 The suspect, believed to be Honduran, was taken into custody after the incident. 当局正在调查袭击背后的动机,在与家人联系时,关于受害者和嫌疑犯的进一步详情被扣留。 Authorities are investigating the motive behind the attack, and further details about the victims and the suspect are being withheld as they contact family members.