一名美国边境巡逻队特工在佛蒙特州的 I-91 公路上被枪杀;另外两人也死伤。 A U.S. Border Patrol agent was shot dead on I-91 in Vermont; two others were also killed or injured.
周一下午 3 点 15 分左右,一名美国边境巡逻队员在佛蒙特州考文垂靠近加拿大边境的 91 号州际公路上被枪杀。 A U.S. Border Patrol agent was fatally shot on Interstate 91 in Coventry, Vermont, near the Canadian border, on Monday at around 3:15 PM. 另一人也被杀,第三人受伤并被拘留。 Another person was also killed, and a third was injured and taken into custody. 联邦调查局正在领导对这起事件的调查,该事件导致高速公路关闭了几个小时。 The FBI is leading the investigation into the incident, which closed the highway for several hours. 代理国土安全部长向特工的家人和同事表示哀悼。 The acting Secretary of Homeland Security expressed condolences to the agent's family and colleagues. 枪击事件的确切情况仍在调查中。 The exact circumstances of the shooting are still under investigation.