一名枪手向洛杉矶的一个目标射击一名警卫和另一人,然后逃走。 A gunman shot a security guard and another person at a Target in Los Angeles, then fled.
一名持枪者于周一8时55分左右在洛杉矶市中心Figat7街购物中心的一个目标商店向一名警卫和另一名人员开枪。 A gunman shot a security guard and another person at a Target store inside downtown Los Angeles' Figat7th shopping mall on Monday around 8:55 p.m. 两名受害者都住院治疗,目前他们的状况不明。 Both victims were hospitalized, and their conditions are currently unknown. 嫌犯是一名白人男子,从现场逃往第八街,导致洛杉矶警察局不断搜捕。 The suspect, a white male, fled the scene towards 8th Street, leading to an ongoing manhunt by the Los Angeles Police Department. 这一事件是在2022年同一地点发生刺伤事件之后发生的,这促使加强了安保措施。 This incident follows a stabbing at the same location in 2022, which had prompted increased security measures.