枪手在美国驻黎巴嫩大使馆外进行了半小时的枪战;袭击者被捕,无人受伤。 Gunman engages in half-hour shootout outside US Embassy in Lebanon; assailant captured, no injuries.
枪手在美国驻黎巴嫩大使馆外进行了半小时的枪战;当地媒体报道称,枪战中至少有一名袭击者。 Gunman engages in half-hour shootout outside US Embassy in Lebanon; local media reports a gunfight involving at least one attacker. 黎巴嫩军队抓获了这名向使馆入口发射突击步枪的袭击者。 The Lebanese army captures the assailant, who was firing an assault rifle at the embassy entrance. 未有人员受伤报告。 No injuries reported.