议会提交《条约原则法案》的门户在大量公众投入中面临着技术问题。 Parliament's submission portal for the Treaty Principles Bill faces technical issues amid a flood of public input.
《条约原则法案》在议会网站上引发了数量空前多的呈件,引起了一些技术问题。 The Treaty Principles Bill has sparked an unprecedented number of submissions on Parliament's website, causing some technical issues. 尽管存在广泛的反对和抗议,但提交材料门户网站仍然开放。 Despite widespread opposition and protests, the submission portal remains open. 众议院办事员建议用户在发现错误时重试。 The Clerk of the House advises users to retry if they encounter errors. 提交截止时间是今晚下午11点59分,提交文件的确切数目在委员会审查之前是保密的。 The submission deadline is tonight at 11:59 PM, and the exact number of submissions is confidential until the committee review.