新西兰的司法委员会邀请107人讨论《怀唐伊条约法案》。 New Zealand's Justice Committee invites 107 people to discuss the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.
新西兰司法委员会公布了被邀请就《威坦哲条约法案》的原则作出口头陈述的107人名单。 New Zealand's Justice Committee has released a list of 107 people invited to make oral submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. 该名单包括不同政党的提名人,以确保进行平衡的听证。 The list includes nominees from various political parties to ensure a balanced hearing. 如果某些提交者拒绝或出现日程安排冲突,委员会将填补任何空白。 The committee will fill any gaps if some submitters decline or have scheduling conflicts. 听证会将在议会网站上进行现场直播,在一至两天内可按需报道。 The hearings will be live-streamed on the Parliament website, with on-demand coverage available within one to two days.