新西兰寻求公众对美国《金枪鱼条约》修正案的投入,以造福于太平洋岛屿经济体。 New Zealand seeks public input on US Tuna Treaty amendments to benefit Pacific Island economies.
新西兰外交、国防和贸易委员会接受公众对《美国金枪鱼条约》修正案的呈件,该条约允许美国渔船以收费换取进入太平洋岛屿水域。 New Zealand's Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee is accepting public submissions on amendments to the US Tuna Treaty, which allows US fishing vessels access to Pacific Island waters in exchange for fees. 修正案旨在为太平洋岛国和托克劳提供经济利益,同时提供适应不断变化的条件的灵活性。 The amendments aim to provide economic benefits to Pacific Island Parties and Tokelau, while offering flexibility to adapt to changing conditions. 提交期限是2025年1月23日。 The submission deadline is January 23, 2025.