议会委员会今天将有争议的宗教基金改革法案和新的所得税法案提交议会。 Parliamentary committee to table contentious Waqf reform bill and new Income Tax Bill in Parliament today.
议会联合委员会关于旨在改革 Waqf 财产管理的 Waqf(修订)法案的报告将提交议会。 The Joint Parliamentary Committee's report on the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, aimed at reforming Waqf property management, will be tabled in Parliament. 包括国会议员在内的批评者认为,该法案是出于政治动机,并拒绝接受委员会的调查结果。 Critics, including Congress MPs, argue the bill is politically motivated and reject the committee's findings. 该法案包含25项修正案,旨在解决腐败和管理不善等问题。 The bill includes 25 amendments and aims to address issues like corruption and mismanagement. 同时,还将提出新的所得税法案,旨在修订现行的60年《所得税法案》,旨在简化和澄清税法。 Meanwhile, the new Income Tax Bill, set to overhaul the existing 60-year-old Act, will also be tabled, aiming to simplify and clarify tax laws.