利物浦医院宣布因流感和呼吸道病例激增而发生重大事件,仅建议紧急访问。 Liverpool hospital declares critical incident due to surge in flu and respiratory cases, advising only emergency visits.
皇家利物浦大学医院宣布,由于流感和呼吸道疾病病例数量特别多,造成严重拥挤,以及A&E部门等待时间过长,因此发生了重大事件。 The Royal Liverpool University Hospital has declared a critical incident due to an exceptionally high number of flu and respiratory illness cases, causing severe overcrowding and long wait times in the A&E department. 医院建议病人只在紧急情况下看病,鼓励使用普通医生和111名非紧急护理人员。 The hospital advises patients to only visit in emergencies, encouraging use of GPs and 111 for non-urgent care. 国民保健制度面临严重压力,上个月流感病例增加了四倍,导致该地区其他医院发生类似事件。 The NHS is under severe pressure, with flu cases quadrupling in the last month, leading to similar incidents at other hospitals in the region.