威尔士救护车服务面临重大事件,原因是电话量大,医院延误。 Welsh Ambulance Service faces critical incident due to high call volume and hospital delays.
威尔士救护车服务公司宣布,由于需求高和医院移交延误时间长,发生了一起重大事件。 The Welsh Ambulance Service has declared a critical incident due to high demand and long hospital handover delays. 超过340个电话尚未接听,一半以上的救护车被困在医院外面,导致长时间等待。 Over 340 calls were pending, and more than half of the ambulances were stuck outside hospitals, leading to long wait times. 这项服务敦促公众只将999用于严重紧急情况,并建议替代资源,如NHS 111网站或当地药房,用于处理无生命威胁的问题。 The service urges the public to use 999 only for serious emergencies and recommends alternative resources like the NHS 111 website or local pharmacies for non-life-threatening issues.