英国和爱尔兰卫生领导人敦促公众保留紧急服务,以应付流感爆发时危及生命的病例。 UK and Ireland health leaders urge public to reserve emergency services for life-threatening cases amid flu surge.
联合王国和爱尔兰的保健领导人正在敦促公众只对因流感和冬季疾病激增对保健系统造成严重压力而危及生命的紧急情况使用紧急服务。 Healthcare leaders across the UK and Ireland are urging the public to use emergency services only for life-threatening conditions due to severe strain on the health system from a surge in flu and winter illnesses. 救护车和A&E单位不堪重负,有数百人在等待护理。 Ambulance and A&E units are overwhelmed, with hundreds waiting for care. 官员建议使用社区药店或普通医生处理小问题。 Officials recommend using community pharmacies or GPs for minor issues. 在爱尔兰,每天有创纪录的1 700次电话,750名流感患者住院治疗。 In Ireland, a record 1,700 calls were made in a single day, with 750 flu patients hospitalized.