SSA请求美国将中国虾公司贴上使用强迫劳动的标签, SSA petitions U.S. to label Chinese shrimp company as using forced labor, citing Uyghur concerns.
南虾联盟(SSA)已请求美国政府将中国海产加工公司Rongcheng Sanyue食品公司列入据称使用强迫劳动的公司名单。 The Southern Shrimp Alliance (SSA) has petitioned the US government to add Chinese seafood processor Rongcheng Sanyue Foodstuff Co. to a list of companies allegedly using forced labor. 特别安全局关注阿根廷向美国出口红虾的情况,以及无法核实这是否涉及强迫劳动,特别是影响维吾尔穆斯林的情况。 The SSA is concerned about the export of Argentine red shrimp to the US and the inability to verify if it involves forced labor, especially affecting Uyghur Muslims. 由于这些劳工方面的顾虑,美国政府正专注于海产食品工业。 The US government is focusing on the seafood industry due to these labor concerns.