英国劳工议员Liam Byrne呼吁禁止新疆进口, UK Labour MP Liam Byrne calls for a Xinjiang import ban, proposing a UK version of the U.S.'s Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.
英国工党资深立法者Liam Byrne主张禁止从据称发生强迫劳动的中国新疆地区进口。 Liam Byrne, a senior UK Labour Party lawmaker, is advocating for a ban on imports from China’s Xinjiang region, where forced labor is alleged to occur. 他提出了美国2021年《维吾尔强迫劳动预防法》的英国版本,以加强现代奴役法,改进供应链报告。 He proposes a UK version of the U.S.'s 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act to enhance the modern slavery act and improve supply chain reporting. 尽管该公司声称对强迫劳动实行零容忍政策, 但Byrne也对快速时装零售商Shein提前在伦敦上市表示关切。 Byrne has also raised concerns about fast-fashion retailer Shein ahead of its potential London listing, despite the company's claims of a zero-tolerance policy for forced labor.