拜登总统向19名获奖者颁发了自由勋章,其中包括魔术约翰逊和莱昂内尔·梅西。 President Biden awarded the Medal of Freedom to 19 recipients, including Magic Johnson and Lionel Messi.
NBA明星Earvin“Magic”Johnson和足球明星Lionel Messi获得总统Joe Biden颁发的总统自由勋章, NBA star Earvin "Magic" Johnson and soccer star Lionel Messi were among 19 recipients honored with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Joe Biden. 约翰逊因其慈善努力、商业成功和关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的倡导而获得认可,梅西通过其基金会和作为儿童基金会大使在儿童保健和教育方面所做的工作而获得荣誉。 Johnson was recognized for his philanthropic efforts, business success, and advocacy on HIV/AIDS, while Messi was honored for his work with children's health and education through his foundation and as a UNICEF ambassador. 该奖项是国家最高民权荣誉, 也获得民权活动家Fannie Lou Hamer和前国防部长Ashton Carter的认可。 The award, the nation's highest civilian honor, also posthumously recognized civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer and former Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.