总统拜登(Biden)向为美国做出各种贡献的总统公民奖章的20名个人致敬。 President Biden honors 20 individuals with the Presidential Citizens Medal for diverse contributions to the U.S.
总统拜登(Biden)将总统公民勋章授予20个人, President Biden has awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation's second-highest civilian honor, to 20 individuals for their exemplary service to the U.S. or their fellow citizens. 知名的受奖者包括玛丽·博诺托(Mary Bonauto),她是一名在使同性婚姻合法化方面起关键作用的律师,以及Liz Cheney(Liz Cheney),她是一位以捍卫国家理想而闻名的女国会议员。 Notable recipients include Mary Bonauto, a lawyer pivotal in legalizing same-sex marriage, and Liz Cheney, a Congresswoman known for defending the nation's ideals. 其他获奖者包括前NBA球员和参议员Bill Bradley和越南妇女纪念基金会创始人Diane Carlson Evans。 Other recipients include Bill Bradley, a former NBA player and Senator, and Diane Carlson Evans, founder of the Vietnam Women’s Memorial Foundation. 这些奖项突出了对公民权利、公共服务和社会正义的多种贡献。 The awards highlight diverse contributions to civil rights, public service, and social justice.