拜登总统向包括波诺和简·古德尔在内的19名知名人士颁发总统自由勋章。 President Biden awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 19 notables, including Bono and Jane Goodall.
U2's Bono和灵长类学家Jane Goodall是Joe Biden总统颁发的总统自由勋章的19名获奖者之一。 U2's Bono and primatologist Jane Goodall are among 19 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by President Joe Biden. 该奖章表彰那些为美国、世界和平或社会事业做出重大贡献的个人。 The Medal honors individuals for significant contributions to the U.S., world peace, or societal endeavors. 其他受奖者包括Michael J。 Other recipients include Michael J. 福克斯 希拉里·克林顿 和《Vogue》的安娜·温图尔 Fox, Hillary Clinton, and Vogue's Anna Wintour. Bono因其倡导消除贫穷和艾滋病毒/艾滋病而获得承认,而著名的黑猩猩专家Goodall则获得2021年坦普尔顿奖。 Bono is recognized for his advocacy against poverty and HIV/AIDS, while Goodall, a renowned chimpanzee expert, received the 2021 Templeton Prize.