Orioles所有者David Rubenstein 获得总统慈善和文化支持自由奖章。 Orioles owner David Rubenstein receives Presidential Medal of Freedom for philanthropy and cultural support.
Orioles所有者David Rubenstein是获得总统自由勋章的19名个人之一,这是美国最高平民荣誉。 Orioles owner David Rubenstein is one of 19 individuals awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the US. Rubenstein以他的慈善努力和支持美国文化机构而获得认可。 Rubenstein is recognized for his philanthropic efforts and support for US cultural institutions. 肯尼迪总统1963年设立该奖项,表彰那些为国家利益、世界和平和公共事业作出重大贡献的人。 The award, established by President Kennedy in 1963, honors those who have made significant contributions to national interests, world peace, and public endeavors. 仪式在白宫举行,贵宾和家属出席。 The ceremony was held at the White House and attended by dignitaries and family members.