拜登总统授予拉尔夫·劳伦总统自由勋章,以塑造美国时尚和价值观。 President Biden awards Ralph Lauren the Presidential Medal of Freedom for shaping American fashion and values.
乔·拜登总统将授予拉尔夫·劳伦总统自由奖章,承认他对时装、商业和慈善事业的重大贡献。 President Joe Biden will award Ralph Lauren with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, recognizing his significant contributions to fashion, business, and philanthropy. Lauren,以对美国时尚和文化的影响著称, 他是第一个获得这一荣誉的时尚设计师。 Lauren, known for his influence on American fashion and culture, is the first fashion designer to receive this honor. 该奖项突显了他对时装行业的影响,以及他在六十年职业生涯中塑造美国风格和价值观的作用。 The award highlights his impact on the fashion industry and his role in shaping American style and values over his six-decade career.