Bill Nye和另外18人因对美国和世界和平的贡献而获得总统自由勋章。 Bill Nye and 18 others receive Presidential Medal of Freedom for contributions to America and world peace.
在白宫的一个仪式上,19个人,包括比尔·尼,因为美国繁荣、价值观和安全做出重大贡献,或为促进世界和平,获得了总统自由勋章。 At a White House ceremony, 19 individuals, including Bill Nye, received the Presidential Medal of Freedom for significant contributions to America's prosperity, values, and security, or for advancing world peace. Nye, 被称为“Bill Nye the Science Guy”, 通过其教育工作和科学扫盲及环境管理宣传, 激励了几代人。 Nye, known as "Bill Nye the Science Guy," has inspired generations through his educational work and advocacy for science literacy and environmental stewardship. 其他受益者包括因其对社会的影响而得到承认的艺术、活动主义和慈善事业方面的数字。 Other recipients include figures from art, activism, and philanthropy, recognized for their impact on society.