该研究将服兵役与极端主义观点联系起来,并引用了一名在卡车袭击中造成 15 人死亡的新奥尔良退伍军人的例子。 Study links military service to extremist views, citing New Orleans veteran who killed 15 in truck attack.
START 的一项研究将兵役与极端主义观点联系起来,并引用了在阿富汗服役的新奥尔良袭击者、陆军退伍军人沙姆苏德-丁·贾巴尔 (Shamsud-Din Jabbar) 的话。 A study by START links military service to extremist views, citing Shamsud-Din Jabbar, the New Orleans attacker and Army veteran, who served in Afghanistan. 研究发现,服兵役是大规模伤亡罪犯的首要预测指标。 The study found military service is the top predictor for mass casualty offenders. 元旦那天,贾巴尔开车冲进人群,造成 15 人死亡,多人受伤。 On New Year's Day, Jabbar drove into a crowd, killing 15 and injuring many. 他在袭击前发布了受 ISIS 启发的视频,并在他的卡车上发现了一面 ISIS 旗帜。 He posted ISIS-inspired videos before the attack, and an ISIS flag was found in his truck. 联邦调查局正在调查他是否单独行动。 The FBI is investigating if he acted alone.