苏格兰的国民保健制度在虫害防治方面花费了400万英镑,并因缺乏设施投资而遭到批评。 Scotland's NHS spent over £4 million on pest control, drawing criticism for lack of facility investments.
在过去六年中,苏格兰的国民保健制度在各区域的虫害控制方面花费了400万英镑,解决了鼠类、昆虫和鸟类等问题。 Over the past six years, Scotland's NHS has spent over £4 million on pest control across various regions, addressing issues like rodents, insects, and birds. NHS 大格拉斯哥和克莱德 花费最多的是210万英镑 NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde spent the most at £2.1 million. 尽管有这些开支,苏格兰劳工局仍批评苏格兰政府,要求改善设施投资,以防止虫害问题。 Despite these expenses, Scottish Labour has criticized the Scottish Government, calling for better facility investments to prevent pest problems. 政府计划在2025-26年拨出210亿英镑用于保健和社会保健,包括用于国民保健体系基础设施的资金。 The government plans to allocate £21 billion for health and social care in 2025-26, including funds for NHS infrastructure.