英国的PAC批评国民保健体系尽管有额外资金,却缓慢地转向社区护理和数字滞后。 UK's PAC criticizes NHS for slow shift to community care and digital lag despite extra funding.
联合王国公共账户委员会批评国民保健制度在将护理从医院转移到社区方面进展缓慢,而且在采用数字技术方面滞后。 The UK's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has criticized the NHS for its slow progress in moving care from hospitals to communities and its lag in adopting digital technologies. 尽管追加了106亿英镑的资金,但大部分资金用于工作人员薪酬、税收和新治疗,很少用于新的方案。 Despite an extra £10.6 billion in funding, much of it is being used for staff pay, taxes, and new treatments, leaving little for new programs. PAC还发现,全国保健服务的总体生产率较低,一些医院仍在使用传真机。 The PAC also found that the NHS is less productive overall, with some hospitals still using fax machines. 国民健康服务社领导人承认有必要提高生产力,但自这一流行病以来,为提高生产力而奋斗的人数翻了一番。 NHS leaders admit there's a need to boost productivity but contend productivity has doubled since the pandemic.