越南制造的PMI降到50以下,表明新订单增长为三个月的低点。 Vietnam's manufacturing PMI fell below 50, indicating a three-month low in new order growth.
越南制造业在12月出现新秩序增长下滑,达到三个月的最低点。 Vietnam's manufacturing sector saw a decline in new order growth in December, reaching a three-month low. S&P全球越南制造业采购管理人员指数三个月以来首次低于50.0,降至49.8,标志着业务条件略有恶化。 The S&P Global Vietnam Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index fell below 50.0 for the first time in three months to 49.8, marking a slight deterioration in business conditions. 全球市场不确定性抑制了企业信心,创下了一年半来的最低水平。 Global market uncertainty dampened business confidence, hitting its lowest level in over a year and a half.