叙利亚部队在霍姆斯开展发射行动,将阿拉维特地区作为逮捕和武器的打击目标。 Syrian forces launch operation in Homs, targeting Alawite districts for arrests and weapons.
叙利亚安全部队在霍姆斯市发起了大规模行动,重点是主要由阿拉维派少数民族居住的两个地区,一个与前总统巴沙尔·阿萨德有联系的社区。 Syrian security forces have launched a large-scale operation in Homs city, focusing on two districts predominantly inhabited by the Alawite minority, a community linked to former President Bashar al-Assad. 行动的目的是找到"战犯和罪犯" 以及隐藏的武器 The operation aims to find "war criminals and those involved in crimes," as well as hidden weapons. 当局实行宵禁,部署了部队和装甲车,导致居民被逮捕,并加剧了对安全的关切。 Authorities have imposed a curfew and deployed troops and armored vehicles, leading to arrests and heightened security concerns among residents.