叙利亚霍姆斯在教派暴力之后,平静不安;在和平恐惧中,安全有所加强。 Uneasy calm in Homs, Syria, after sectarian violence; security increased amid peace fears.
最近在阿拉维派少数民族抗议活动引发宗派暴力爆发后,叙利亚霍姆斯地区平静不安。 An uneasy calm has settled over Homs, Syria, following recent outbreaks of sectarian violence triggered by protests from the Alawite minority. 安全部队现正在城内巡逻,进行身份证检查和车辆搜查,以维持秩序。 Security forces are now patrolling the city, conducting ID checks and vehicle searches to maintain order. 这一事件使人们对叙利亚和平的脆弱性感到关切,在那里,不同宗教和族裔群体之间的紧张关系威胁到稳定。 The incident raises concerns about the fragility of peace in Syria, where tensions between different religious and ethnic groups threaten stability.