叛乱分子用汽车炸弹袭击叙利亚阿勒颇省阿勒颇,重新点燃该地区的激烈战斗。 Insurgents attack Aleppo, Syria, with car bombs, reigniting intense combat in the region.
自2016年以来,叛乱份子首次对叙利亚第二大城市阿勒颇发动突袭,引爆两枚汽车炸弹,与政府部队发生冲突。 Insurgents have launched a surprise attack on Aleppo, Syria's second-largest city, for the first time since 2016, detonating two car bombs and clashing with government forces. 伊朗与真主党有关联的组织正专注于国内战斗. The assault comes as Iran-linked groups like Hezbollah are focused on battles at home. 这标志着叙利亚西北部自2020年以来最激烈的战斗,叛乱分子旨在重建降级区边界。 This marks the most intense fighting in northwestern Syria since 2020, with insurgents aiming to reestablish de-escalation zone boundaries. 叙利亚政府未发表评论, 但克里姆林宫视其为侵犯主权。 The Syrian government has not commented, but the Kremlin views it as a sovereignty breach. 这次袭击造成许多居民流离失所,并引起对区域稳定的关切。 The attack has caused the displacement of many residents and raised concerns about regional stability.