叙利亚叛军占领了哈马和阿勒颇,向霍姆斯推进,重新点燃了内战。 Syrian rebels seize Hama and Aleppo, advancing on Homs, reigniting the civil war.
由 HTS 领导的叙利亚叛军已经占领了主要城市哈马和阿勒颇,并正在向该国第三大城市霍姆斯推进。 Syrian rebels, led by HTS, have seized key cities Hama and Aleppo, and are advancing towards Homs, the country's third-largest city. 叛军的目标是向阿萨德总统的大本营大马士革进军。 The rebels aim to march on Damascus, President Assad's stronghold. 叙利亚政府否认从霍姆斯撤军,并进行了空袭以阻止叛军的前进。 The Syrian government denies withdrawals from Homs and has conducted airstrikes to halt the rebel advance. 这场冲突已导致数千人流离失所,并引发了人们对可能发生的种族灭绝的担忧。 The conflict has displaced thousands and raised concerns about a potential genocide. 黎巴嫩已经关闭了与叙利亚的陆地边界,除了贝鲁特-大马士革的主要路线。 Lebanon has closed its land borders with Syria, except for the main Beirut-Damascus route. 这次攻势重新点燃了大部分处于休眠状态的内战。 The offensive has reignited the civil war, which had been mostly dormant.