加拿大青少年从严重的 H5N1 禽流感中康复,引发了人们对病毒变异的担忧。 Canadian teen recovers from severe H5N1 bird flu, raising concerns over virus mutations.
一名感染了 H5N1 禽流感病毒的加拿大青少年在需要重症监护的严重疾病后已经康复。 A Canadian teenager infected with the H5N1 bird flu virus has recovered after a severe illness requiring intensive care. 基因分析显示该病毒存在“令人担忧”的突变,表明它可能正在适应人类,并且可能更容易传播。 Genetic analysis revealed "worrisome" mutations in the virus, suggesting it may be adapting to humans and could potentially spread more easily. NIH 领导人呼吁加大行动,打击北美不断增长的人类病例,强调需要更好地监测和报告动物感染。 NIH leaders are calling for increased action to combat the growing number of human cases in North America, emphasizing the need for better surveillance and reporting of animal infections. 大多数人类病例与接触受感染的动物或生牛奶有关。 Most human cases have been linked to exposure to infected animals or raw milk.