卫生专家警告H5N1禽流感可能会演变为人类大流行病,影响粮食供应和经济。 Health experts warn H5N1 bird flu could mutate into a human pandemic, affecting food supplies and economies.
随着2025年的临近,卫生专家警告H5N1禽流感的潜在新威胁,这种流感正在鸟类中蔓延,最近感染了牲畜。 As 2025 approaches, health experts warn of a potential new threat from H5N1 bird flu, which is spreading in birds and has recently infected livestock. 虽然它目前不易在人与人之间传播, 但单一种突变可能使其高度传染, 导致大流行。 While it currently doesn't transmit easily between humans, a single mutation could make it highly contagious, leading to a pandemic. 这可能影响动物健康,扰乱粮食供应,并产生经济影响。 This could affect animal health, disrupt food supplies, and have economic impacts. 除了禽流感之外,持续存在的关切问题包括疟疾、艾滋病毒和结核病,这些疾病每年共同造成约200万人死亡。 Alongside bird flu, ongoing concerns include malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis, which collectively kill about 2 million people annually. 公共卫生官员正在拟定大流行病计划,并强调必须共同考虑人、动物和环境健康,以对付这些威胁。 Public health officials are preparing pandemic plans and emphasizing the need to consider human, animal, and environmental health together to combat these threats.